
轉:444 ~知常容,全乃久(道商范蠡)














1. 選擇正確的效忠對象


2. 忍辱負重,以退為進


3. 功成身退,保全自身


4. 經商致富,樂善好施


范蠡的一生傳達了 「知進退、耐得住、懂得離場、樂於分享」 的智慧。他能夠在野心與謙遜、競爭與合作、個人利益與集體福祉之間取得平衡,最終成為歷史上最受敬仰的人物之一。

Fan Li’s story is one of strategic wisdom, adaptability, and the ability to retreat at the right moment. His life exemplifies the principles of survival in both political and economic arenas, ensuring both personal safety and long-term success.

1. Choosing the Right Allegiance

Fan Li understood the importance of aligning with the right ruler. Instead of serving the powerful states of Wu or Chu, he chose to assist King Goujian of Yue, foreseeing that Yue had the potential to rise. He played a key role in Yue’s struggle against Wu, helping his king navigate the fierce competition with King Fuchai of Wu.

2. Enduring Humiliation for Future Victory

In the First Battle of Fujiao, Yue suffered a devastating defeat. Fan Li advised King Goujian to endure the humiliation and submit to Wu, advocating patience and resilience. The king followed his advice, enduring years of hardship while secretly strengthening Yue’s forces. After a decade of careful planning and military preparation, Yue launched a successful campaign, culminating in the Battle of Gusu, where Wu was finally defeated, and Yue became the dominant power.

3. Retreating at the Height of Success

Despite his instrumental role in Yue’s victory, Fan Li understood that great achievements could breed political suspicion. Having observed Goujian’s ruthless nature, he realized that staying in court would eventually make him a threat to the king. To avoid becoming a target, he changed his name and left Jiangnan, ensuring his safety and preserving his legacy.

4. A Life of Giving and Renewal

After leaving the political world, Fan Li and the famous beauty Xishi moved to Shandong, where he became a merchant. His business acumen led him to great wealth, but he never sought excessive accumulation. Instead, each time he amassed a fortune, he would distribute his wealth to the poor and support his hometown. He understood that avoiding excess was the key to long-term security and that benefiting others ensured sustainable success.

Fan Li’s life teaches the importance of strategic retreat, patience in adversity, knowing when to leave, and the value of generosity. His ability to balance ambition with humility, competition with cooperation, and personal gain with collective well-being made him one of the most admired figures in Chinese history.